Church Parish Evaluation
The methodology is used to identify communities in great need with a higher probability of success. The Parish’s leadership and potential human and physical resources will be a consideration.
Address Critical Needs
A Parish selected then has critical needs and opportunities identified and acted upon quickly to shore up and develop excitement and momentum for the future work. In this phase maximize the reach of the Parish’s web presence, identify potential resources/assets and, potential blockers, and create internal communication methods to allow for future collaboration and work.
The Parish’s spiritual leader will directly influence and approve the critical needs and opportunities. Frequently resources will first be used to address spiritual over physical needs.
Reconstruct to self-sustaining
Most of the work and effort will belong to this phase. A clear mission and strategy must be created and understood by the Parish. The rebuilding will come from the Parish itself rather than from top down.
A stronger Parish will need to reach outside its current circles and utilize the wisdom within the current Parish and energy and ideas from the new generation to realize the mission and strategy for Parish.
Equilibrium Achieved
An exit plan will need to be in place in order to shift resources to another Parish with need. A three-to-five-year timeline will be the ideal length to achieve the final stage. The Parish’s financials are in alignment with a majority of its basic needs. Leadership is available at various levels and areas of the Parish. Different people step forward depending on their strengths. There are various leaders available for the same challenges so progress can proceed even as people become unavailable and to allow multiple improvements simultaneously. The foundation’s direct involvement is significantly scaled back but connection is maintained. The Parish is used as a benchmark or reference to new communities that are going through the methodology.
The methodology supported by a strong Parish vision, improvement strategy and plan, and strong fundraising will result in a reconstruction of faltering Catholic Parish, into a strong and self-sustaining Parish.